





Website and Mobile App


Lead Designer, UX Researcher & Brand Designer

Skills & Methods

Research, User Interviews, UX/UI Design, Prototypes & A/B Tests, Usability Tests


Figma, Adobe Suite, Zoom and Maze

The Problem

The project aims to address several critical issues. Firstly, there is a challenge in providing users with a seamless experience when ordering daily essentials from nearby supermarkets. This difficulty hampers the adoption of cashless transactions and leaves customers dissatisfied with delivery times that frequently exceed the promised 60-minute window. Furthermore, users encounter obstacles when searching for products based on categories or specific stores, hindering the platform's utility. These problems not only impact user satisfaction but also restrict the reach of supermarkets to a broader market. Additionally, the referral system is not sufficiently incentivizing users, affecting the platform's growth potential.

1.2x /month

Average Order Frequency


Delivery Time Adherence


Product Search Usability


Supermarket Reach Expansion


Referral Program Effectiveness:


Cashless Transaction Percentage

The Solutions

Our solution centers on user experience enhancements and problem resolution. We will redesign the user interface, simplifying category and store searches. A robust recommendation system will facilitate a smoother user journey. To ensure prompt deliveries within the 60-minute window, we'll optimize logistics using route optimization algorithms and collaborate with local supermarkets for support. This strategy aligns with our goal of expanding the platform's market reach. To boost cashless transactions, we'll incentivize users with discounts and cashback offers. We'll also revamp the referral program to drive user growth. Key metrics, including order fulfillment rate, conversion rate, user retention rate, average payment time, customer complaints, referral rate, market expansion rate, and cashless transaction percentage, will guide our efforts and enable data-driven platform refinement, aligning with user and business objectives.

Defining The Problem

We are designing for a diverse set of users, including introverts, time-starved professionals, students, diaspora adults, comfort seekers, SMB procurement, and those averse to traditional shopping. Our challenge lies in delivering a seamless, 60-minute delivery experience, simplifying category and store searches, encouraging cashless transactions, and optimizing the referral system.


The opportunity lies in addressing these challenges comprehensively to create a user-centric, efficient platform. By streamlining order fulfillment, enhancing search functionalities, and promoting cashless payments, we aim to improve user satisfaction and supermarket market reach. An optimized referral program can stimulate user growth and engagement.


We hypothesize that by redesigning the user interface for easier navigation, implementing a recommendation system, and optimizing logistics for timely deliveries, we can boost user retention and satisfaction. Offering incentives for cashless transactions and revamping the referral program will likely increase engagement and drive platform growth, ultimately realizing our project goals.


In the research phase, we conducted extensive user surveys, usability testing, competitor analysis, and market research to gather valuable insights into user pain points and preferences, as well as to understand the competitive landscape.

Key Insight form the research

  • Users value convenience and speed in their shopping experience, with a strong preference for a streamlined UI and fast deliveries.
  • Cashless transactions are increasingly preferred, highlighting the need for secure and user-friendly payment options.
  • Competitor apps have strengths in certain areas, but none offer a comprehensive solution addressing all identified user pain points.
  • The market trend favours online grocery shopping, indicating significant growth potential for Chotcut.
  • Conversion rate data showed room for improvement in converting app visits into orders

Who are we designing for

We are designing for a diverse user base, including introverts, time-strapped professionals, students, diaspora adults, comfort seekers, SMB procurement teams, and individuals who prefer to avoid traditional in-store shopping. Our goal is to create a universally accessible and user-centric platform that caters to the specific needs and preferences of each of these user groups.

Core Task Flow

The core task flow begins with user onboarding, where users set up their profiles and preferences. Once onboarded, users are directed to the home screen, where they can access features such as "Closest to You," "Latest Arrivals," "Buy Again," categories, and search. Additionally, users can navigate to their basket, view favorites, and access their profile through the respective icons for a seamless and personalized experience.


In the ideation section, we present the wireframes for the Chotcut app's mobile app, illustrating the visual layout and information hierarchy. These wireframes embody our design concepts and serve as the foundation for the user interface, ensuring a user-centric and efficient dashboard design.


The Final Solution

In the final design section, we showcase the fully-realized mobile app screens and landing page mock-ups. These designs reflect the culmination of our user-centric approach, featuring polished visuals, intuitive interactions, and a seamless blend of aesthetics and functionality to create a compelling user experience.

Home screen

The home page design prominently displays nearby stores, featuring an intuitive navigation bar, a user-friendly menu, and a convenient "Buy Again" section, ensuring quick access to essential features.

Solution Image 1

Search and Order

This page illustrates a seamless search, order placement, and checkout process, simplifying user interactions for efficient shopping.

Solution image 2


The menu page empowers users to effortlessly explore nearby stores, invite friends, discover Chot Smooth, access recipes, and efficiently manage their orders, wallet, favorites, and notifications, enhancing overall convenience.

Solution image 3


The profile page provides users with a personalized hub, where they can easily personalize their account, edit addresses, manage payment methods, and access various user-specific settings for a tailored experience.

Solution image 4

Landing Page

The landing page for Chotcut combines visually engaging design with clear call-to-action elements to welcome and onboard new users, inviting them to explore the platform and begin their seamless shopping journey.

Solution image 5

Solution image 6

Success Metrics

In the Success Metrics section, we establish the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will guide the evaluation of our design's impact. These metrics include Order Fulfillment Rate, Conversion Rate, User Retention Rate, Average Payment Time, and Customer Satisfaction Scores. These quantitative measurements will allow us to track and assess the success of our design in enhancing the user experience, optimizing platform performance, and achieving the project goals while ensuring that user needs remain at the forefront of our design decisions.


Increased the conversion rate from app visits to orders by 20%


Maintained a steady user retention rate of 70%


Reduced the average payment time to 3 minutes


The revamped referral program resulted in a 30% increase in user referrals

Conclusion and

In conclusion, our design approach for Chotcut has addressed the critical challenges of delivering a seamless shopping experience to a diverse user base. We have successfully optimized the user interface, streamlined order fulfillment, and promoted cashless transactions to meet the project goals.

Key Takeaways

Our design journey with Chotcut underscores the significance of combining user-centric principles with data-driven decision-making to create a mobile app that not only addresses specific user challenges but also contributes to the growth and success of the platform.

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